Do-BeMindful Schedule Term 2

Do-BeMindful Schedule Term 2

Screenshot 2020-10-07 at 14.34.44

We can’t believe that this term is almost over. We hope that you and your staff enjoy a well-deserved break in October.

We have put together a Do-BeMindful Term 2 Schedule for next term outlining how you may progress through our Adventurers and Explorers Programmes for those of you that are at this stage and showing when we plan to offer support sessions so that you can pencil them in your calendars.

We’ve decided to move our Drop-In Support sessions to Google Meet as so many schools cannot access Zoom. If you haven’t received an invite to Our Drop-In Sessions please get in touch –

For anyone that requires additional support whether that is motivating staff to keep going or some trouble shooting please drop us an email too as we are here to help.

Please switch off during the holidays and keep up your practice as best you can.


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