Do-BeMindful in the Primary Years

Do-BeMindful in the Primary Years

Thank you to everyone that joined us for our Do-BeMindful in the Primary Years Webinar yesterday – it was lovely to meet you all! As promised here are the Do-BeMindful in the Primary Years Slides we used during our presentation and here is the live recording

As I mentioned we offer a whole-school approach to wellbeing focussing on developing emotional resilience. Initially we help staff – you can’t pour from an empty cup! The more we nourish ourselves the more we have to give. Then we have our Adventurers and Explorers Programmes – 8 weeks of inspiring and fun Mindfulness-based activities for school, home and family learning. Lastly we have our Do-BeMindful Essentials Programme for parents/carers to improve the mental and emotional wellbeing of our families.

I mentioned that we have designed and printed posters  that show how the Learning Intentions in our Primary Programmes are underpinned with SHANARRI (Scotland) and the 4 Purposes (Wales). If you’d like a poster for Early Years, 1st level/KS1, or 2nd level/KS2 please get in touch –

Lastly, we would love to work with your school or setting to explore how we can help you to nurture a kind, calm and compassionate culture and welcome the chance to chat over the phone/Zoom/Teams. To arrange a meeting please get in touch.

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